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Red pepper

Pack 500 g
Pack 500 g

2,90 Iva Incluido
5,80 /kg

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Unidades 3 - 5 5 - 10 10+
Precio 2,84 2,76 2,61
% de descuento 2% 5% 10%
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This product will be delivered on 11 de March de 2025

Red peppers from Huerta de Pancha Buy our red peppers, more big and sweet than Italian green peppers. They are ideal for roasting.

Characteristics of red peppers

Red peppers are the ripe peppers, as orange, yellow and green peppers are the same variety of peppers but at lower ripening points.

In the case of red peppers, the bright red colour is provided by lycopene, which becomes more present as they ripen.

Its taste is the sweetest of all the peppers, which makes it all the more appetising. The texture of the red pepper is turgid but fine, bearing in mind that the edible part is the part that remains after the seeds have been removed of its interior. In terms of its skin is very thin, and can easily be separated, especially after cooking the pepper – roasting, boiling, frying, etc. -.

Red pepper crops in the Axarquia region

Peppers are one of the most common vegetables in the Mediterranean diet, which is why its cultivation is very well located on the coast of Malaga.. Our orchard has the optimal climatic and soil conditions for the correct growth of red peppers.

In terms of temperature, it is important that the temperature of the pepper plantation does not fall below 15ºC. at flowering time. The maximum temperature levels that this vegetable can withstand do not reach 35ºC, so the tropical climate of the Axarquia is perfect for the peppers to develop in the best way. In this way, we obtain quality peppers so that the consumer can enjoy them at the best point of ripeness.

We also take into account soil requirements for pepper crops. Our plantations are in deep soils and we try to ensure that they are never flooded but that they are always wet.

In addition, the compost we use in our garden is totally organic.

Peppers are sown between February and April, and harvesting begins about 150 days later, i.e. after five months of constant care.

Therefore, the season for peppers from La Axarquía runs from January to September.

How you will receive the red pepper from La Huerta de Pancha’s garden

Our red peppers are harvested at their optimum point. This point, in the case of red peppers, coincides with the ripening point. In other words, they are ready to eat once the order arrives at their home (ready to eat). These peppers keep all their natural flavour as they do not go through cold storage. For packaging, we use 100% recyclable cardboard boxes and we always try to ensure that they are as well protected as possible to avoid damage during transport.

How to preserve red bell pepper?

If you are going to consume them in the short term, they should ideally be kept in the vegetable basket. If you plan to eat them later, you can store them in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator. With proper refrigeration, a healthy pepper should last three to five days in the refrigerator. You can also keep them in the freezer. To do this, they must be washed and the seeds removed. They can be frozen whole or sliced. If properly frozen, the peppers should retain their flavour and colour for a month.

How should red bell pepper be eaten?

The red bell pepper can be eaten in different ways, depending on the type of cooking you want to give it. The truth is that it is a very versatile vegetable that can be eaten raw, roasted, sautéed or stuffed. Although the seeds of the bell pepper can be eaten, they tend to have an unpleasant taste, so in some cases it is advisable to remove them.

When is the season for red peppers?

The season of red peppers depends on the region you are in. If we are talking about products grown naturally -without greenhouses-, red peppers are usually available during the summer and autumn months, when climatic conditions are warmer.

What are the benefits of red bell pepper?

One of the best known properties of red peppers is their analgesic power, which is why they are widely used in post-operative diets.

Other reasons why the consumption of red peppers is recommended is because it helps to combat constipation thanks to its fibre content, as well as to control the level of fat in food, as its content is very low.

Red peppers from the Huerta will help protect cells from oxidation and prevent some diseases such as prostate cancer.

Some of the most important minerals that help the body to function properly are present in red peppers.. This is the case for potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

In addition, red peppers are rich in vitamin C, and also contain small amounts of other vitamins such as vitamin A or B vitamins.

Although it can be eaten raw or crushed in gazpacho, it is very common to use red peppers in stir-fries, sauces, or even roasted.

88 reviews for Red pepper

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Image #1 from Antonio R.
Image #2 from Antonio R.
Image #1 from Antonio R.
Rated 1 out of 5

Antonio R.

Los pimientos muy bien excepto uno que venía en mal estado

Image #2 from Antonio R.
Rated 1 out of 5

Antonio R.

Los pimientos muy bien excepto uno que venía en mal estado

Image #1 from Antonio R.
Image #2 from Antonio R.
1-5 of 88 reviews
  1. Un poco pasados.

  2. Frescos y sabor potente

  3. Buenos para freír

  4. Muy bien

  5. Buenisimos

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