Our lands

Since 1930
The history of our family is linked to the cultivation of the garden. Since in 1930 our grandmother “Doña Pancha” came to the fields of the Axarquía of Malaga, generation after generation, we have been able to perpetuate traditional cultivation techniques in our gardens, which allow us today to offer unique products .
It is up to us, his grandchildren, to remain faithful to the quality standards of his crops, and to explore new sales techniques to bring our products to all of you.

In 2009 a new generation took the reins of the farm, great-grandchildren of Doña Pancha, then “young but prepared”. Today, some of us who are less young, we maintain the ideals with which we take over: INNOVATE with conscience; GROW with measure; MODERNIZE without sacrificing the art of the traditional; look for the FLAVOR and ENJOY what we do.
Great-grandmother Pancha, her daughter Panchita and her granddaughter “Panchitina” (Paqui) have been strong, courageous women. But they were not alone, they were surrounded by a great team of people who gave their work, dedication and love. The history and evolution of this company would not be understood without all the people who worked and work in it, a great family of families in which many of us continue today, up to four generations later.
In 1966, when she was older, great-grandmother Pancha divided her property among her four children, the second being our grandmother Panchita. Despite personal and family difficulties, crises and ups and downs, she fought to preserve a large part of her plot of land as a way of life. She was soon joined by our mother, Paqui, and together they always transmitted love and respect to their parents and grandparents. It is with Panchita that the tomato is introduced to the farm for the first time. At that time the tomato seed was not easy to obtain and there were few seedbeds settled in the area that supplied it. They began to grow tomatoes outdoors, highlighting the Pintón, they began to plant potatoes and also green beans. In the last years Panchita, together with her daughter Paqui and her son-in-law Juan, took the first steps towards modernization and adaptation to the new times and built the first greenhouse on her farm, a multi-tunnel that would be the first step on the road to a new future. But they were not alone, they were surrounded by a great team of people who gave their work, dedication and love. The history and evolution of this company would not be understood without all the people who worked and work in it, a great family of families in which many of us continue today, up to four generations later.
In 1937, great-grandfather Trinidad passed away, the last years of his life were years of hardship and suffering. The tensions between Republicans and nationals affected all those who owned properties, and Don Trinidad, Doña Pancha, their family and all the families who worked on the farm and who depended on it for their livelihood were not exempt from suffering, especially Don Trinidad, who lived in torment during the last years of his life. When Don Trinidad dies, great-grandmother Pancha takes over the reins of exploitation in the middle of the war, of what with effort and tenacity they had turned into a large farm. At that time the main crop was cereal, essentially corn and sugar cane. A widow, with four children, in a time with many obstacles for a single woman, she faces the challenge of continuity with such charisma and sense of humor that there are still people in the area who remember her.
We come from a family of farmers that dates back to the last century, when the entrepreneurial great-grandfather Trinidad managed to lease land to a renowned company, Azucarera Larios, which at that time owned large tracts of land in the area. SAVINGS, PERSEVERANCE AND WORK led great-grandfather Trinidad to formalize on May 24, 1931 a rental contract with a promise of purchase. Five years later, not without sacrifices and effort, the dream became a reality and he acquired the beautiful farm in Algarrobo-Costa, starting his life in this beautiful town in the Axarquía with great-grandmother Pancha, from a small Argentine province, Jujuy. Great-grandfather Trinidad invests all his time and effort in improving the farm, buys an adjoining well and manages to convert it into irrigated land, thus expanding its potential.
Where is our our farm?
- Av. Right Tower s / n. 29750 Algarrobo-Costa
- Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- 644 290 932
- info@lahuertadepancha.es