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Fuerte Avocados

Pack 500 gr
Pack 500 gr

2,95 Iva Incluido
5,90 /kg

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Buy Fuerte avocados in season between November and December.

We sell seasonal avocados without refrigeration or chemicals. At Huerta de Pancha we grow and select the best Fuerte avocados so that they arrive in the best conditions for consumption.

Fuerte Avocado’s characteristics

The Fuerte avocado stands out for its very creamy, yellowish-green flesh.. The size of its stone is medium, occupying around 20-25% of the total fruit. As for its external appearance, the Fuerte avocado is pear-shaped and has a smooth, bright green skin.. To know if it is ripe you have to be guided by touch. These avocadosare green in colour and do not darken as they ripen, so you can identify if they are ready to eat by touch, by pressing gently, if they give slightly when pressed they are ripe.

How is the Fuerte avocado cultivated?

The avocado is harvested between October and December.. The cultivation season begins in winter, and in some cases it may coincide with the harvesting season Thus, the Fuerte avocado has about ten or eleven months to develop fully.. . At La Huerta de Pancha we take great care of our avocado plantations during each of these months, so that the final result is exquisite.

The Fuerte avocado is one of the most widespread varieties of this fruit, as its trees are essential for pollinating the other varieties.

Fuerte avocado’s properties

The amount of oil in strong avocados varies between 23 and 27%, but despite this, they are one of the varieties with the lowest amount of fat, but they are always unsaturated.

Meet the Avocado

Is avocado a fruit? Learn more about this …

Of all the gifts of nature, the avocado is one of the best. The fruit of this plant is so versatile that it can be eaten as a meal and also as a dessert. Its intrinsic characteristics are easily recognizable and enjoyed by many people.

There are a diversity of criteria and opinions about avocado. Some people claim that avocado is a vegetable. They are guided by their common sense and their obvious and noticeable green color. Many others consider it a fruit, but for the bulk of the population the controversy is still not clear. ‘

This time, we will try to end this discussion. Stay with us and you will be able to discover if avocado is a vegetable or a fruit. In addition, you will know some very useful data related to the properties of avocado and the benefits of consuming it with some regularity.
Avocado, also called avocado

The avocado is one of the best known and most consumed fruits in the world. A magnificent food that boasts spectacular flavor and a characteristically delicious consistency. One of the most exported foods worldwide, and that is of American origin.

It has a very special physical composition, which makes it recognizable for miles. They have a somewhat thick, rough and hard skin. Likewise, when removing this we will come across a creamy yellow filling that has the seed in its center. The latter occupies a large volume within the fruit.

They generally have shapes similar to fruits such as pears, although some varieties come to have shapes more similar to cucumbers or apples. The size usually varies a lot depending on the variety of avocado, but they maintain the bulk of their properties that make them healthy and also their exquisite flavor.

By the Spanish it was considered the “Indian pear” and by the Native Americans it was a powerful aphrodisiac. Its production has been known and dominated for many years, which is why it has become a fundamental part of culinary culture.

Spreads, main dishes, sauces and medicinal preparations are famous all over the globe. Hispanic Americans are the world’s citizens who consume the most avocado, however in a globalized world anyone can enjoy this delicacy.
It’s a fruit?

Depending on who you ask, you may have one or the other answer. Culturally, some people hold beliefs deeply rooted in their societies. The opinions that affirm that the avocado is a fruit and also those that affirm that on the contrary it is a vegetable are preserved.

At first, the greenish color and the consistency of its pulp are the factors that provoke the existence of thoughts that relate avocados to vegetables.

Likewise, the very high content of fatty acids beneficial to the human body makes one believe that avocado can be a vegetable instead of a vegetable. But the truth is that neither of these two opinions is completely correct.

It’s a fruit, that’s right. The avocado is an exotic fruit that since ancient times has been consumed by our ancestors, and that today does not lose its gastronomic and nutritional validity. The avocado fruit turns out to be one of the easiest to grow and care for.
The avocado tree

What concerns the plants from which the fruits emanate is quite interesting. In the case of the avocado or avocado tree, it is commonly known as avocado tree and whose scientific name is Persea Americana. It is a very easy plant to sow and also to cultivate.

This plant is native to the Mexican nation and contiguous Central American nations. It is an evergreen tree, with shiny and very large leaves with a cluster shape like its flowers. Interestingly, the aguatero is not a self-pollinating tree.

This means that in order for an avocado plant to be productive and bear fruit, it must be planted together with another adjoining avocado plant to pollinate each other. Well-drained soil is required, with a pH close to neutral and fairly light soil.

Likewise, the recommended temperature for the efficient cultivation of avocado plants is between 20 and 23 ° C. It supports very low temperatures but tends to reduce its production during periods of very high temperatures. Of course, it must have a very good source of light.

The care for this plant is not very specific. Irrigation must be regular but without special requirements. Pruning is not required too often, but you must be very aware of parasitic plants and fungi that appear with some frequency. After sowing, in a period of five years the first fruits of the tree are obtained.
Avocado properties

The fruit is recognized by experts and ordinary consumers around the world as an incredible source of essential nutrients. Its characteristic composition makes it an especially fantastic food alternative.

It has a medium water content. It is not especially liquid, but it does retain its light structure. It provides enough of the energy required by the body as it has a high caloric level. It has moderate levels of carbohydrates and not very high levels of sugar, so it is common to find it in diets.

Its vitamin content is immense. It has vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and K that intervene in an extraordinary way with the body. Fiber is also present in a great way, which has a positive impact on the digestion of the food we eat.

Minerals are one of the components most present in avocados. They allow a correct functioning of the internal organs and vital processes.

Its consumption is definitely one of the most beneficial among a wide variety of exotic fruits that are at your disposal when you require it. Buying avocados is less of a problem than you might think.
It’s delicious

Let’s be completely honest. Avocado is so widely consumed around the world because it tastes delicious. If this did not exist or the fruit was a bit unpleasant, perhaps we would not want to get the benefits of avocado. However, nature made it so.

Depending on the variety of avocados eaten, the flavors tend to vary greatly. They can be fruits that have a butter flavor or similar, while others can be more acidic and even tasteless. Of course, in most cases it depends on whether the fruit is ripe.
How to know if an avocado is ripe?

The best way to determine or recognize when an avocado is ripe is to move it around a bit. If it has its seed loose and you can feel it with the movement, it is a sign that the fruit is ready to be consumed.

On the other hand, if you want to accelerate the ripening of an avocado, we can also help you. What you have to do is wrap the avocado in the newspaper along with a banana. In just three or four days you can consume said avocado.
Avocado benefits

Relatively few people in the world truly dislike avocado, just as few cultures do not appreciate avocado. And it is natural since the multiple benefits that can be obtained with the intake of avocado, together with its flavor make it irresistible.

First of all, it must be said that the cardiovascular system is the greatest beneficiary of frequent avocado intake. Being a healthy alternative to very harmful trans fats, blood levels can be lowered. Likewise, it tends to lower very high cholesterol.

It is not widely recognized for its powers of being an anti-inflammatory. However, in particular situations it can alleviate inflammations in the body. As an antioxidant it is fabulous, as it has the properties similar to many berries recognized as the best antioxidants in nature.

It can cleanse the intestines and intervene in the processes that allow halitosis to disappear completely. It is a determining factor in the diet of those who fight against cancer, and the main ingredient in the food of individuals who, due to their physical characteristics, must gain weight.

Avocado is a food that has the ability to relax the nervous system. In problematic situations or that involve a lot of stress, the consumption of avocados can help the individual.

The prevention of all kinds of ills is possible thanks to the nutrients present in avocado. However, eye ailments are those that can be avoided by eating avocado.

Finally, if we refer to one of its by-products, it must be said that the oil that is extracted from the avocado is the greatest ally of our skin and hair. Wrinkles tend to disappear and the impurities that cause discomfort in our scalp disappear.
Are there contraindications?

It is natural to ask yourself this question. Food can be very nutritious and everything else, but if there are any limitations for some reason or another, it is better to avoid consuming the substance. Such is the case of avocado, that although it is not prohibitive, you have to know some things.

It is estimated that whoever consumes an average serving of avocado a day is consuming 10% of the nutritional and energy requirements of the day. That is why the greatest contraindication regarding the fruit has to do with people who want or need to lose weight or reduce their measurements.

To maintain a balanced diet it is necessary to evaluate the amounts we consume. People with particular nutritional conditions should consult with their specialist. An improper intake of avocado can cause a multitude of health problems in the person. To be healthy and fit, avocado consumption should not be taken lightly.
Avocado varieties
There are many types of avocado plants all over the planet. In addition to those that naturally exist, native species naturally emerge from the territories. They adapt in the best possible way to inclement weather and adapt their production.

There is the variety Zutano, Fuerte, Pinkerton, Hass, Lamb Hass and some more. Next, we will talk about the most important and consumed types of avocados on the continent. You can go testing one by one with the sole objective of determining which is the avocado variety that you like the most.
Strong avocado

The strong avocado is a variety of the fruit that is not very productive compared to others. It is a moderate quality product that competes with the Hass and Lamb Hass varieties. It maintains one of the creamiest pulps of all, and is mostly grown in Spain and North Africa.

A product with a very thin skin, which have a taste similar to victory. Its coating lacks shine unlike other varieties. It has a significantly lower amount of fat and can be harvested throughout the year. Its shape is similar to a pear.
Lamb Hass avocado

The Lamb Hass variety is not indigenous, as it is a version of Hass avocado that is more resistant to the elements of nature. It has a large size, each avocado can weigh up to 350 grams. They are wide and thick in shape.

It has a slightly rough skin that is not lacking in a bit of shine. Good flavor and medium creamy pulp. It maintains the characteristic shape of avocados and Europe remains in the lead when it comes to world production of them. The Lamb Hass is delicious.
Huerta de Pancha

Here, in the huerta de pancha we take care of bringing your fruit and vegetable orders to the door of your home. Make purchases online and trust the best greengrocers at home to enjoy the benefits of avocado. Buying boxes of fruits and vegetables has never been so easy.

Nutritional information

Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy 160 kcal 670 kJ
Carbohydrates 8.53 g
• Sugars 0.66 g
• Dietary fiber 6.7 g
Fats 14.66 g
Protein 2 g
Water 73.23 g
Retinol (vit. A) 7 μg (1%)
• β-carotene 62 μg (1%)
Thiamine (vit. B 1 ) 0.067 mg (5%)
Riboflavin (vit. B two ) 0.13 mg (9%)
Niacin (vit. B 3 ) 1,738 mg (12%)
Pantothenic acid (vit. B 5 ) 1,389 mg (28%)
Vitamin B 6 0.257 mg (20%)
Vitamin C 10 mg (17%)
Vitamin E 2.07 mg (14%)
Vitamin K 21 μg (20%)
Calcium 12 mg (1%)
Iron 0.55 mg (4%)
Magnesium 29 mg (8%)
Manganese 0.142 mg (7%)
Match 52 mg (7%)
Potassium 485 mg (10%)
Sodium 7 mg (0%)
Zinc 0.64 mg (6%)


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