Buy the best baby papayas in Axarquia. The best specimens of this tropical fruit are in the Huerta de Pancha. They will arrive at your home at the best collection point, so you have to wait several days to be able to consume them. Same as normal papayas but smaller in size.
Baby Papayas in season, a very tasty organic fruit, and perfect to use as a dessert and to complement any type of food.
Baby Papayas Characteristics
The baby papaya is an ovoid or pear-shaped, large, yellowish-green, yellow or yellow-orange berry. Inside is the pulp, soft and very juicy, with a sweet and mild flavour. The flesh is orange or reddish in colour and has numerous black, shiny and spicy seeds.
Almost everything can be used from the baby papaya. In some countries, its dried and crushed seeds are used as a spice. In addition, in other countries the leaves of the shrub are consumed as an infusion to treat malaria.
The outer skin should be more yellow than green, or even with some brown spotting, to be ready for consumption.
Types of baby papayas
The main varieties of papayas are the Hawaiian papaya, the tainung papaya and the maradol papaya. They differ mainly in their shape, the colour of the flesh and the aroma of each of these fruits.
Baby papayas own crops
At Huerta de Pancha we have chosen to grow organic papayas. For this, we have the best climatic conditions and soil quality.
We harvest the papayas between November and July, which means that you will be able to consume this seasonal fruit for more than half a year.
Temperature and soil of papaya trees
The average annual temperature in La Axarquía, the area where our crops are grown, is 20-22º; in other words, we have a tropical climate where temperatures are not too cold and not too hot either.
Furthermore, we have chosen an area that has fertile, light and deep soils, in which the roots of the papaya tree do not rot, but feed the plant in the best way for its correct development.
Watering our baby papayas
The papaya tree is one of the plantations that require the least amount of water, and the frequency of irrigation of our papayas is between 5 and 10 days. Too much water can lead to root rot, which can result in poor quality fruit or lack of fruit.
In La Huerta de Pancha we are attentive to our crops, so our professionals know perfectly when it is the right time to water the different plants in order to obtain the best fruits.
How you will receive baby papayas from Huerta de Pancha
Our baby papayas are harvested at their optimum point. The optimum point of harvesting does not coincide exactly with the optimum point of ripeness for consumption; they are harvested a little greener. Moreover, not all baby papayas, even if harvested on the same day, ripen simultaneously, as it depends on many factors. For this reason, sometimes it is necessary to wait a few days after receiving the order for some pieces to be consumed when ripe. A trick to know if they are ripe is to go by colour (they will turn yellow) and touch (if you press with your finger and it sinks in slightly).
We use 100% recyclable cardboard boxes for packaging and we always try to ensure that the papayas are well protected to avoid damage during transport.
How to preserve baby papayas
Conservation depends on the ripening of the fruit, so if you want to keep it refrigerated, you must wait until the ripening reaches the desired point. This way you can keep it fresh and with all its nutrients. When it is ripe and you have already eaten a piece of the fruit, cover it with cling film and store it in the refrigerator.
The best way is to place it with the cut side down. This protects the fruit from the humidity of the refrigerator.
Papaya can last up to eight days in perfect condition, maintaining its freshness, texture, flavour and nutrients.
How to eat baby papayas
There are a multitude of recipes to make the most of the nutrients and benefits of baby papaya. However, the preferred option for most people is to drink it plain.
The first step is to put it in the fridge for a few hours to keep it nice and cool. Once fresh, cut it in half lengthwise and remove the seeds inside with a soup spoon. To remove the bitter taste left by the seeds, we recommend washing both halves in cold water. Finally, extract the pulp. You can also use a soup spoon, as we usually do with avocado, or cut it into squares, as with mango.
It is perfect as a dessert or to make a delicious and refreshing juice.
Properties of our baby papayas in Huerta de Pancha
Baby papaya is one of the superfoods, due to its nutritional properties. It is a fruit composed of 88% water and 88% fibre.
It is a fruit rich in vitamin C. Just half a papaya covers almost double the daily requirement of this vitamin. Other vitamins contained in baby papaya are some of the B group, E and K, folic acid and some important minerals such as potassium, which is also present in large quantities.
In addition, its composition includes soluble fibre, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, alpha linolenic acid, alkaloids that regulate blood pressure, phenols and lycopene, which has an antioxidant action.
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