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Avocado Lamb Hass, the influencer of the Huerta de Pancha


La Huerta de Pancha has dressed up to see the Lamb Hass Avocado parade, the new variety of avocado, younger than the Hass and an influencer on the rise. For those who do not know the Lamb Hass avocado variety, it comes from a seed selected from a cross-pollination of “Gwen” (granddaughter of the “Hass”). The cultivation of the Lamb Hass avocado in Spain is very recent.

It is very similar to Hass, although wider and pear-shaped, with very rough skin and a dark green color that turns black as it matures. It has optimal degrees of fat that give it juiciness. This, together with its low presence of bone, makes it easy to spread, ideal for guacamole, sauces, toast, creams, etc. If you want to be sure that your lamb-hass avocados have reached an optimum degree of ripeness and are ready for consumption, watch this practical video made at La Huerta de Pancha.

Although at Huerta de Pancha we like to joke, imagining our farm as a fun red carpet where the best tropical fruits parade, the truth is that avocado is more than just a fad. It´s health properties are unquestionable and in the Axarquia, and specifically in the lands of the Vega, where the Huerta de Pancha is located, tropical fruits have found a perfect place to grow. At Huerta de Pancha we want to offer quality avocados for as long as possible, so we welcome this variety, lambhass, with open arms, which allows avocado consumption to be prolonged.

Buy Lamb Hass Avocados in our online store and you will see the exquisiteness of our favorite tropical fruit.


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